Carnevale and Sicily, a Perfect Match

February 25, 2020

Today is Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, the last day before Lent begins for Roman Catholics. It is a day to enjoy things before the weeks leading up to Easter week. At least that is how it all began.

I left my home in Liguria to explore the magical, historic island of Sicily, just in time to celebrate the day before Lent—Carnevale! 

Actually, I have been in Sicily for several days, exploring, taking photos, meeting new friends and searching for the best cannolo, (Cannoli means more than one cannolo.)

Thanks to my friend, Linda Chartier Scala, her husband, Bruno, and my new friend Thom Real, I think I discovered the best, smoothest, cinnamon-y flavored Cannolo high up in the mountain town of Palazzolo Acreide. I am not quite sure if I wanted to visit there for the Carnevale or because Linda vouched for Corsino

As the best place to devour cannoli.

Corsino  has been providing exquisite bakery goods for 152 YEARS in this little town of Palazzozlo Acreide. 

Take a look.

I get a sugar high just looking at them.

They could barely keep their shelves filled. The demand was greater than usual because more people arrived for Carnevale.

Their savory morsels looked incredible too. I thought I had died and gone to food heaven. 

It was a gorgeous, if a bit chilly, day for a parade. Look who else came for the show.

And this little darling whose parents were friends of Bruno.

This Carnevale, like the one in Viareggio, is family oriented. They also provided street food for purchase. They had everything including fried calamari, ravioli with sauce, and candy of course. 

Before the parade began, we explored Palazzolo Acreide. So far, everywhere I have visited in Sicily and shown off its curly, Sicilian Baroque architecture. Here is the entrance to their Duomo.

And just a normal entrance to a building shown below.

I am enthralled by it all. Are you?

Someone lives here. 

Here too!

A typical street scene in Palazzolo Acreide.

We arrived early to enjoy breakfast and meet others at the gathering. Many sat on the steps of the Duomo. The balcony below looked as though it was attached to the church.

Are you fascinated by architecture, façade choices and outdoor décor? I think you see a bit of the Sicilian Soul on this balcony and on every façade I encounter. 

Gorgeous, isn’t it?

But we came for the cannoli—or was it the Carnevale? 

The parade floats with their brilliant colors brought out the child in me and most everyone there.

Who are these guys?

I love the floats.

They speak for themselves.

And about us and our bad tech habits.

This is one of my favorites.

Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?

Our day was filled with so much more than I can account for right now. Have a cannolo and check back with me later for more about my friends in Sicily, and all I am having the pleasure of experiencing. 

Buon appetito!

A dopo!

Ciao for now!

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